(Guest: Miyano Mamoru) Toriumi Kousuke and Yasumoto Hiroki's Konya wa nemurasenai kindansei radio
Kindan Nama Radio/ Forbidden Live Radio
Host seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke & Yasumoto Hiroki
They start with talking randomly then an the programme's opening each of them (Yasumoto Hiroki and Toriumi Kousuke) say "What are you doing in front of the TV?" continued by different things. Like "come over here" or something.
They introduce the guest: Miyano Mamoru
Yasumoto: "He spoke a little before, but ignore it."
He's referring to the fact that Miyano Mamoru said one or two words when they were chatting before he was introduced. Haha, so cute.
They say the title of a talk corner, "Simple questions" that's about answering idiotic questions sent by the listeners in three seconds time. They give examples of questions, like "Why is the sky so blue"? or "Why does my stomach rumble when I'm hungry?"
Yasumoto asks Mamo if he knows how this show works, and he answers that he wasn't told anything about the it and that he came here to promote his album. And now he wants to run away. haha
They get nicknames in this show, just for this episode/show. Mamo says he likes that idea because he doesn't have a stage name or something.
Yasumoto asks for that what he's into lately
Mamo answers "espresso". He bought an express machine and drinks cafe au lait hahaha
Yasumoto "what is your favourite food?"
Mamo - This is really like a radio show!
Mamo doesn't really know how to answer and says what he had today.
Yasumoto - what are you doing on your rest days?
Mamo says their voices are nice, and it feels good to listen to them.
Torumi "you also feel good"
Mamo - where?
Yasumoto: everywhere
Yasumoto : Do soemething interesting.
I think Mamo says something in a funny voice but I don't know what.
Toriumi reads an email.
Someone suggests mamoryoushka for Mamo's nickname. He says how you'd open one Mamo-chan and another would come out.
Yasumoto says he wants one. Says he'd send it to his mom who doesn't know Miyano Mamoru, and Mamo suggests to add sound/ voice to it.
Toriumi Kousuke reads another mail: The sender says they saw Miyano by chance at the news in the morning.
Mamo jokingly sounds surprised and offended by "by chance"
Someone took my friggin seat I was friggin sittin on it and they like pushed my down and sat there because I don't have a premium account. Haha!(meaning I've been disconnected from the broadcast because there were many viewers and the premium ones are prioritized )
When I accessed the live streaming it had just begun and there were like 9.000-10.000 viewers. And then my seat got taken by someone with a premium account and when I heard around 30 seconds again there were 23.000 viewers already. Then I saw it turned to 30.000.
Another bit of broadcasting I got:
Toriumi reads a letter for their talk corner they talked about before with the stupid questions. Toriumi Kousuke: "Why do adults like bitter and spicy things?"
Miyano Mamoru: "Aren't they stupid?"
- everyone laughs
Yasumoto says how Mamo has a soothing singing voice and there's an announcement about the song "Identity" from Miyano Mamoru's album "Passage" that's gonna be released in one week on 18 september 2013.
And on the 4th October on a Friday there will be a Japan Budoukan LiVE show.
Mamo says he is nervous but is thankful to be able to perform in a place that makes him nervous.
He says that Budoukan was for him in the past a place to visit, a dream and now it's reality and he wants to have fun with everyone and make a good show.
The preparations for it have started.
Yasumoto says Budoukan is an awesome stage for their generation.
Nmikawa & Kenn - live broadcast on the 4th Monday - 23 september (this is just a commercial about these two's broadcast but I'll leave it here)
The broadcast restarts with some lines said by the seiyuu. (I'm sorry I didn't catch Yasumoto's)
Toriumi - "Huh? You cut your hayr." (he actually says it differently)
Miyano - "Your hayr is pretty."
Yasusumoto tells everyone not to call him by the nickname he got in this show (I' not sue about the nickname because I didn't catch that part) outside this show. Mamo says he probably won't even answer because he would't notice he's beig called.
Yasumoto says how cutting your hair can mean to cast away your indecisions (for a girl) and be reborn in a way. He tells Miyano Mamoru to answer seriously to the e-mails.
Toriumi Kousuke reads a mail. A girl writes that she can't say her feelings straight.
Yasumoto admits he also had a time like that.
Mamo says that even though she may be afraid of talking to people she doesn't know, maybe the other person is the same and if she'd think that, it should ease her heart, and maybe it would be easier to talk to them.
Yasumoto: "Chomo-san"(Miyano Mamoru's nickname), you're serious!"
Yasumoto says that the fear of strangers is a waste of time. "Maybe that guy is someone awesome so do your best and talk to him."
Toriumi - "Just go forward! Isn't that all right?"ippo dashite! iinjaneeno
They'll start the ceremony now.
Miyano Mamoru wonders what ceremony, and they say it's the ceremony to make that person's troubles disappear.
Toriumi gies the start:
"Let's hope Yuki-san's worries disappear"
-------------53.000 viewers
This corner ends here.
Toriumi wants to read an email, but Yasumoto does it because he says it's a fit one for toriumi.
Yasumoto reads: "what do you want the most now?"
Tori: 20,000 yen
Be more moderate!
Mamo - this may be hard. From 'haruka'- "what is Passage(Mamo's album)'s charm?
Yasu: The overflowing manliness.
Mamo: That's negative promotion!
Yasu: The background vocals are all like "seiya!""seiya!"
Mamo: Stop it!
(they say some othe things but well I can't remember and I only wrote this. well, it's not much, just some adds to the lines I wrote)
Tori: E-mail from youko-san. What kind of key is this?
Mamo: Kinina-- he starts saying it before Toriumi even counts to three, the time they get for thinking.
Everyone laugs.
What Miyano wanted to say was a pun. "ki" or "key", I don't even know how the sender intended it is the sound "kininaru" starts with. Kininaru means "it's bothering me/ It's on my mind". Uh...I'm sorry, I'm not really good at explaining things, I guess...
Yasu: Mail from mako. "why do adults say how nice their childhood was while kids say they want to grow up?"
Mamo doesn't know how to answer.
Mamo: from moriki. "icecream shaved ice...." "What's that?"
That's not the question but he wants to asks that before cotinuing to read the e-mail
Yasu; I don't know!
Mamo: "why does your stomach hurt when you eat it?"
Yasu answers something immediately.
Mamo: He answered even though he doesn't know what it is.
Yasu: They're probably two different things. "Ice cream" and "shaved ice".
Tori: I'll read an e-mail, mamo-chan. fro riki-san."why do we drink bear?"
Mamo: "isn't everyone an idiot?"
Yasu: he made cute movements when he said that, but you can't see that on the broadcast.
Toriumi Kousuke announces a new single from Fero☆men with Suwabe junichi. Immoral Wedding/ Silent Carnival.
They play a part of Silent Carnival.
I tried to write some of the lyrics. It's horrible and nothing makes sense but they say things like:
"...no oyofuku de, kimi no me wa biidama
mada mada oboreteku kimi no naka
Carnival,Carnival,Carnival,Carnival orga rizumu tomerarenai
.... hanaretakunai hanarerarenai hanasanai
Kimi wa utsukushii
aa, aa"
"with...clothes, your eyes look like beads
I'm drowning deeper ad deeper in you
Carnival, the organ's rythm can't be stopped
....I don't want to be apart from you, I can't be apart from you, I won't let you go
You are beautiful"
The tracklist is the following: (taken from the link above)
2. Silent Carnival
3. 懺悔室 (ダミーヘッド・ヴァージョン)
5. Silent Carnival (inst.)

+ someone talks about the first song here:
+ product site http://columbia.jp/pheromen/
-------------44.000 viewers
The show is close to ending.
If you download three songs or something from "Passage" you'll get another CD jacket or smth, an alternative one you can change with the other whenever you want. I'm not sure about the downloading (with those new code pictures that you photograph and it's a code for a product)
The Japan Budoukan Convention
Tori asks Yasu what he thinks about it, even tough he's part of the audience.
He says Mamo-chan is an entertainer and it's gonna be fun for sure. He says he's an interesting person and he's cool and he'll make a good show. "Have fun, everyone!"
Toriumi reads some other news they got ad that he'd forgotten about. It seems there wll be a CD in january in 2014. I don't know what CD, maybe for this program.
Tori: We're interesting!
Yasu: what's gonna it be about?
Mamo: you don't know?
Even though they don't know they say it's gonna be interesting.
Toriumi announces they have two more minutes left from the broadcast. "what should we talk about?"
Yasumoto tells Mamo to say something about Japan Budoukan Convention.
Mamo says he made the lyrics for "Passage", and it's somehow like teling his life in it. He wants what he thought and important things to him to link to the future.
At first he didn't know how to do the song, and he got an idea from Hokkaido.
The tracklist will be the following: (taken from the link above, it's a nice post so you can read it!)
01 UNSTOPPABLE [Lyrics, composition, arrangement: STY]
02 ULTRA FLY [Lyrics: Miyano Mamoru, composer: Koyama Kotobuki, Arrangement: Takahashi Koichiro]
03 Identity [Lyrics: Shono Juli, composition, arrangement: Jin Nakamura]
04 THANK YOU(reprise) [Lyrics: STY, composition: STY / Blaqsmurph, arrangement: STY]
05 愛の詩~Ulyssesの宴~ [Lyrics: Ucio, composition, arrangement: Jun Ichikawa]
06 GOLDEN NIGHT -futuremix- [Lyrics: Ucio, composition, arrangement: TSUGE]
07 カノン [Music and Lyrics:上松範康(Elements Garden) Arrangement::藤田淳平(Elements Garden)]
08 辻の華 [Music and Lyrics: marhy, Arrangement: Jun Ichikawa]
09 スーパーノヴァ [Lyrics: marhy, composition, arrangement: YASUSHI WATANABE]
10 Calling [Lyrics: Miyano Mamoru, composition, arrangement: 高橋浩一郎]
11 passage, [Lyrics: Miyano Mamoru, composition, arrangement: STY]12 未来 [Lyrics: ucio composition, arrangement: TSUGE]

+ songwiters from the album detailed here:
Toriumi says kindan whatever is this show called will be broadcasted live again next month in October 2013 in the second Wednesday juugatsu.
I think they'll have Namikawa Daisuke in it... who's let to do whatever. Mamo asks if he taks by himself so maybe they'll leave Namikawa alone?
Yasumoto - Look forward to Kindan nama radio/ Forbidden live radio.
Let's meet next month to another sleepless night/nemurenai yoru. (This show is broadcasted at 23:00 in Japan I think. It's daytime in my country though.)
They introduce themselves again. Toriumi Kousuke, Yasumoto Hiroki and Miyano Mamoru.
From here on, Kindan live radio continues, but only for 5 minutes for regular people. You need to buy a tickt to listen to the rest. Well, what I heard:
Tori: (reads another letter with a stupid question:) "why do money run out. 3...2...1.."
Yasu: Why don't you get a job?
Toriumi says the question again, not accepting the answer.
Mamo: he ignored that one.
Yasu: "I wonder why"
Tori: The answer's because you spend them!
Mamo: That's so normal!!
Mamo: from pintaku-san
"what shoud I buy from 300 yen as a snack?"
Tori: "a dream?"
Mamo: that's cheap!
It seems they're using a dummy head microphone or something? (a mic that looks like a head and the seiyuu move around it and the sound will be heard from the direction they're in. If they tallk in the manequin's left ear, you'll also hear whet they say in your left ear.)
Mamo plays with it and says things in a nice voice.
" how are you feeling right now? Tell me? Does it feel nice? Does it feel good?"
Yasu : You said that word wrong.
Yasu: reads a letter: "what do adult circumstances mean?"
Mamo: Eh? what about money? um...when adults always say that...that "it can't be helped" thing?
Yasu: that's also a normal answer!
Tori: we'll end here. You need to buy a ticket to listen to the rest.
So the post ends here. I stood in front of the computer and kept writing as they were speaking, but I missed a lot of parts, I guess. I don't know if anyone cares to know what happened there and things but I'll post this in case there's even one person interested.
And then, look at some other things about this show.
Also a translation for the Mamo blog page from that niconama:
http://janchebell.tumblr.com/post/83301931589/translation-from-mamo-blog-20th-april-2014(thanks for advertizing my page, haha... I had some visitors on the site thanks to you)
It's a really great Mamo blog that you should check out!
I tried to buy a ticket but they wouldn't accept my card... I wonder if it has to be a japanese card but I find it strange since they also accept america express.... I really wanted to hear the rest!
ReplyDeleteIs that so? I guess you are talking about the extra after the actual program ended. I wish I could know why it didn't work for you, but I don't know much about the site and how it works, and I certainly can't read enough Japanese to even think of buying a ticket myself. I found something that may or may not help you understand how it works here http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-720370/how-to-buy-niconicolive-tickets-for-mikunopolis-in-la
DeleteToo bad you couldn't listen to the show :( I hope you at least got to hear some parts here and there (if you don't have a premium account)! Oh, I can't believe someone actually read this post and took the time to write a comment!
Sorry for very late reply!! And I couldn't help but comment when I found out that someone actually wrote a review of the show! I follow the show every month because Yasumoto-san is my favorite seiyuu! <3
DeleteAlso, thank you for answering! I already had a premium account on the site, so I could hear the main part of the show, but not the one afterwards, so I thought it was included in the premium account, but apparently it wasn't so.
I will try the guide on Wednesday on the coming program! Since Takahashi Hiroki-san will be the guest!! <3 <3 Thanks again! :D