Sangokushi Lovers Drama CD vol. 01
Track 01. Escape from the Imperial Court 宮廷からの脱出 Kyuusei Kara Dasshutsu
Track 02. A moment's rest 束の間の休息 Tsukanoma no Kyuusou
Track 03. Searching for the treasure 宝を探して Takara wo Sagashite
Track 04. Creeping presence 忍び寄る気配 Shinobiyoru Kehai
Track 05. What's hidden 隠されしもの Kakusareshi Mono
Track 05. Hidden item 隠されしもの Kakusareshi Mono
Track 06. Trap after trap 罠に次ぐ罠 Wana ni Tsugu Wana
Track 07. Beyond the light 光の向こうに Hikari no Mukou ni
Track 08. Bonus Track 声恋笑話 (ボーナストラック) Bonus track - Seiren Shouwa
Track 09. Love's Whisper 愛のささめきごと Ai no Sasamekigoto
Actually I'm not sure if it has nine tracks, it did where I listened to it.
Otome Cellphone Game from EMIQ
The original game's called Eiyuu★Sangokushi Lovers 英雄★三国志LOVERS
You can find samples here:
I decided to listen to this (yeah, online, but didn't download it uh-huh)
There's a promo video here:
Characters and cast: (in order of appearance lol)
Toutaku 董卓 (CV. Kusunoki Taiten 楠 大典)
Ryofu 呂布 (CV. Okiayu Ryoutarou 置鮎 龍太郎)
Ryuubi 劉備/ Ryuu Gentoku 劉玄徳 (CV. Hirakawa Daisuke 平川 大輔)
Chouhi 張飛 (Chouhi Yukutoku 張飛翼徳) (CV. Kaji Yuuki 梶 裕貴.)
Unchou 関羽 (Unchou Kanu 関羽 雲長) (CV. Kosugi Juurouta 小杉 十郎太)
Track 01. Escape from the Imperial Court 宮廷からの脱出 Kyuusei Kara Dasshutsu
Starts with this one who comes to Toutaku-shogun(Kosugi Juurota) and tells him the impeial princess which means 'you', is gone. Toutaku wonders if she ran away or was helped by someone else. Ryofu(Okiayu Ryoutarou) who's there with him says he'll go after her, but Toutoku refuses and says that if Ryofu goes out to find her, it'll be obvious the princess has gone missing. Then he says to find the princess and everyone who helped her, and tells the messenger he'll be punished if he can't.
Meanwhile the princess is in za woods with some hottie named Ryuubi (Hirakawa Daisuke) who says they're far from the palace but Toutaku will chase after them so they should hurry. He promises her he'll help her run away from Toutaku no matter what; and says he got reliable younger brothers, called Unchou and Yokutoku.
The girl friggin trips outta nowhere, sprains her leg, and he has to carry her on his back, yeah.
So here comes Yokutoku (Kaji Yuuki) who says there aren't any soldiers the way he came from so it's okay. And his bro (Unchou) said he found a quiet village.
He notices she's hurt and they hurry up to that village.
Yokutoku leads the way and they meet Unchou who tells Ryofu not to be so reserved because they're sworn bros afterall.
Yokutoku asks what they're gonna do after running out of the imperial palace and Ryofu says he didn't think of the details but wants to let the princess rest as soon as possible first.
Track 02. A moment's rest 束の間の休息 Tsukanoma no Kyuusou
They reached the village and Yokutoku complains that there's no bar around. Then he remembers what he heard when he was buying the horses about a treasure on a mountain a bit to west, and it's a treasure of the Chinese Empire (don't ask me I don't know anything about China's history, it may be Han Empire or whatever, dunno, but it's China).
The princess knows nothing about this, no one ever told about something like this. Ryuubi think it's probably a rumor, but Unchou says it can be true, because he heard there's some grave of the former empire on a western mountain, and maybe the clothes the emperor wore are thought of as a treasure.
Yokutoku doesn't really get it but wants to go. Unchou asks Ryuubi what he think about it and he doesn't mind, and Unchou himself seems to wanna go anywhere his bro Ryuubi goes, and it's a good opportunity to get farther away.
Ryuubi makes the girl decide if they're gonna leave or not. They're gonna leave tomorrow, and idk why because I don't think her sprain will heal by tomorrow are they planning to carry her the whole way.
They go another room to sleep and let her rest. (so they all sleep in one room cramped and she gets a whole one for herself. but really, what's the connection between these four anyway).
The messenger comes with to Toutoku, and he knows who kidnapped the princess. Toutoku hears the name and remembers it's a country boy who left with the volunteer army or something. Um, I think he was supposed to get some reward?
They know the village where they were hidden but don't know where they went, so
they'll continue their search.
Ryofu wants again to go after them, and Toutoku accepts under the reason that he's gonna suppress the bad guy who kidnapped the imperial princess. And adds that he has to bring the princess back no matter what. Ryofu asks what to do with Ryuubi, and Toutoku says he doesn't care as long as the princess comes back safely, but it's not good to leave some root of evil stay - he says to cut it (on short, kill him)
Ryoufu goes into creepy mode and talks to himself or smth saying he's gonna make that aroma his this time for sure.
Toutoku stops him and Ryoufu is kinda annoyed. The shogun says he kinda wants to see the face of the guy who kidnapped the princess. Ryoufu doesn't really like the sound of it but accepts.
Back to the group, it seems they're in the mountains but don't know which mountain is the trasure one.
There's a village near where they are, and they decide to go there and ask, and also let the horses rest (oh, I forgot they had horses).
Track 03. Searching for the Treasure 宝を探して Takara wo Sagashite
They get to the village and Yakutoku says it's kinda strange. They didn't even see anyone around. When he notices someone, that human hides or something. Unchou wonders if they're being mistaken by bandits, and maybe they should just search the mountain and not scare the villagers. They decide to tie the horses
and go. Ryuubi tells the princess they're gonna walk from here on and she should tell him anytime she's tired.
They don't know where to search because they only know there's a treasure around, and while they wander about they get to some pretty scenery and Yakutoku's very excited and says this kinda thing makes he wanna shout and then expects some echo of his voice lol he's cute. Instead, some rocks come falling or something and Ryuubi jumps to save the princess WAT NO.
After the thing stops, the girl is worried for Ryuubi and he says his happiness is to protect her, and helps her get up and things.
Unchou blames Yakutoku's shout for the happening, and Yakutoku's awed at how awesome his voice is instead of reflecting. Bro Ryuubi can't b on Yakutoku's side because he also thinks it's his fault.
The road's blocked and they turn around to go another way.
They take a dangerous road by a cliff whose bottom you can't even see, and Yakutoku's complaining, and Ryuubi offers to pass with him. Unchou will go with the princess behind, and the pretty boys go ahead together YES and when Yakutoku gets scared looking down, his voice has and echo this time lol I hope he grabbed onto his bro.
Unchou askes the princess if she's scared and offers her his hand.
Then comes a cute part where Ryuubi teases Yakutoku because he was scared and says to try passing again (Yokutoku says he wasn't scared).
Unchou and the princess arrive and says the princess's legs weren't trembling like his.
The sun starts to set and they decide to go back to the village; and they'll have to pass by the cliff again.
Track 04. Creeping presence 忍び寄る気配 Shinobiyoru Kehai
Toutaku and Ryofu get to the village where the group is hidden, and Ryofu wants to attack but Toutaku isn't so hurried.
Some bandits appear and want the treasure. Toutoku recognizes the band and they're some remnants. One recognizes Ryofu because of his big weapon and Ryofu wants to kill them but Toutoku has other plans for them. He tells them to go on and attack the village like they planned, because he plans to see how the group will act in this situation.
The bandits attack, wreck the place, and Ryuubi, Unchou and Yokutoku arrive, and Ryuubi tells his younger bros to be careful not to hurt the villagers. The princess is also there and Ryuubi tells her to stay close to him because he'll protect her.
The bandits run away and even though Yokutoku wants to chase after them, Unchou stops him. Ryuubi adds that they'll put the girl in danger if they do that.
Somewhere outside, Ryofu says that the bandits were useless, and what is there to check about the group, and says he should've gone from the starts. He wants to go to the village now but Toutaku stops him.
The village headman comes up to them and thanks them (and Yokutoku wants alcohol as reward) and also apologizes for mistaking them for bandits.
Ryuubi says they couldn't ignore them when they were in trouble. And Yokutoku still wants alcohol but is hit by Unchou before finishing his sentence. The village head prepares a banquet for them right away.
He asks why they're travelling and when Yokutoku wants to say about the treasure, Unchou hits him again. Ryuubi says they should tell the truth, and asks the village head about the treasure, who says he'll tell them where it's hidden as thanks for saving them (like wut, if he knows, he could go search for it, isn't their village poor?)
Track 05. Hidden item 隠されしもの Kakusareshi Mono
Yokutoku wakes up with no problem even after drinking so much, and they all leave. Ryofu and Toutaku who're hiding in the bushes come along as well.
They pass a stream or something, and Unchou says there should be a hidden entrance somewhere around, but Yokutoku says there're only big rocks around.
A rock moves when Yokutoku wants to climb another one next to it, and they move that one. Behind it is a hole, the entrance to a cave.
Ryofu and Toutoku show themselves and they have an army to stop them. The group is surrounded. Yokutoku lifts a huge rock or something and throws it in the water I think.
The group runs away and Yokutoku says he's protect the rear of the group. The army is attacked by rolling rocks (there are traps in this cave) and they wanna search for another way. The bosses aren't affected by this and go another way leaving their men behind.
Track 06. Trap after trap 罠に次ぐ罠 Wana ni Tsugu Wana
The group's under a rain of arrows, and when the princess is in danger, Ryuubi jumps to save her but gets hurt and music starts to play lol so emotional. He hurts his arm and says it's just a scratch but it's probably worse.
Both the groups reach the same room. Teitaku tells the princess that if she comes back he'll overlook they boys' crime. Yokutoku says they didn't do any crime but Toutoku accuses them of kidnapping royality, something that'd get them the capital punishment. The princess has to go back to him on her own will.
They decide to retreat and run away but of course they're chased.
Yokutoku says the place's like a grave. He then hits something with his foot and the place collapses lol and you can hear the bad guys scream in the distance pfft. The only place that collapsed was the place where Toutoku was.
Unchou asks Yokutoku what he hit before and when they get the torches on the thing, it seems to be gold. Yokutoku says it's probably the imperial treasure
and wonders if he'll be cursed for hitting it, but says that he won't have to worry about alcohol expenses again with his.
Ryuubi decides it's best to get away from the place because they found the treasure and don't know when Toutaku will come after them.
Track 07. Beyond the light 光の向こうに Hikari no Mukou ni
The keep walking searching for the exit, and Yokutoku says they should get something to drink when they get back and Ryuubi accepts saying Yokutoku helped them a lot this time.
But they notice the princess is not there, and she's with Ryofu. Ryofu wants the gold in exchange for her and Ryuubi accepts the deal and throws the golden statue of what it is to the guy. Ryofu refuses to give the princess in exchange saying she's also a golden treasure lol and everything's his. He turns creepy and says she's his.
Ryuubi asks for a fight. Ryofu says he isn't worth fighting and leaves, and the boys chase him. On the run, Ryofu tells the princess he won't hand her over to Toutatsu because she's his.
He falls into some trap and I guess he was carrying the princess. Ryuubi catches the princess's hand and Ryofu falls alone and the three boys work together to get her up. Bro Ryuubi is asked if he's hurt and answers he's not but acts awkwardly. Yokutoku notices they're both covering their mouths and asks if they hurt themselves somewhere. Unchou guesses they fell on their faces when they were dragged up and Ryuubi says that's not it and mumbles their lips touched (but I had to friggin turn all the volumes in my computers up to hear him). he then says it's nothing, thinking they didn't hear him but I think Unchou heard it idk.
Yokutoku says it was reckless to ask for a fight with Ryofu, and Unchou tells him he should have ordered one of the younger bros (meaning himself-Unchou, or Yokutoku) to do it. Ryuubi says he was only thinking of saving the girl, but he didn't ever plan of losing to Ryofu even if they fought, and that he wouldn't have let her be kidnapped.
Yokutoku notices the princess has the golden statue because she was grabbing onto it, and is happy to be able to drink alcohol.
Ryuubi is worried about Tokutaku and Ryofu, and Uncho says they probably didn't die.
They leave the place then.
They're outside, but not in the same place they came in from.
Yokutoku asks to see the gold because he didn''t see it well inside. Ryuubi notices it's just beaten gold, and it's actually made of bronze.
Unchou thinks it's maybe a fake to fool bandits or that maybe there was never a treasure there.
Yokutoku's very disappointed.
They gaze at the pretty scenery when Yokutoku notices something next to bro's foot. Bro Ryuubi identifies it as a stone monument I think and it has some imperial mark on it, which says "The people are our treasure".
They all take this as a teaching and say they'll keep it in their hearts and Ryuubi promises to do his best to lead the empire to a day when all its people will laugh together by the princess's side, forever.
And then the ending song:
Ikusen no nochi kirameku asu chikai
We promised to leave a glittering tomorrow to the world thousands years in the future
Tenjou no hana daite katariakasou
Let’s talk all night embracing heaven’s flowers
Amakakeru hoshi anata no sono hohoemi
I feel as if I’m soaring through the falling stars when I see your smile
Taemanaku terasu tame to araba ubau no mo itowanai
I don’t mind stealing you away if it means it will shine incessantly upon me
Hageshiku hakanaku itoshiku
My love is so intense, fickle and dear
Uta ni dekinu koigokoro
That I can’t put it into song
Tada sasamekigoto no youni
I can only shout my affection now
Ai wo ima sakebu
Like a whisper
Track 08. Bonus Track 声恋笑話 (ボーナストラック) Bonus track - Seiren Shouwa
Yokutoku and Unchou are in the town, and Yokutoku's starving, but they didn't find anything. It seems there's no food there although they're spending the night at a lodge. Yokutoku says it'd have been better to camp out and hun a rabbit or something, but Unchou says they couldn't make the princess do that.
Ryuubi arrives and Yokutoku asks if he found alcohol (he first wanted to say food). He brings a live bird, but says it's not for eating. Someone gave it to him as thanks and it seems it can speak human. And it's called a parrot, haha.
They don't think it's possible and that they just pushed some bird on him because they didn't need it.
The bird copies Yokutoku saying "I'm hungry" and the guys are surprised. The bird keeps copying their words. Yokutoku tries to make it say "Chouhi-sama, you're so cool!" (Chouhi's Yokutoku's name - Chouhi Yokutoku). The bird can't really say Chouhi and Unchou calls Yokutoku a moron for making the bird say that and the bird ends up saying "Chouhi, you moron". lol.
Bro Ryuubi says he wants to give it to the princess and Unchou suggests they teach it something she'll like to hear.
Unchou makes it say "Princess, how are you?". And also adds the bird's probably smarter than Yokutoku but the little bro protests and tells Unchou not to call him an idiot. The bird ends up saying "Princess, you idiot". LOL And repeats that to no end.
Unchou suggests teaching it something else so it'll forget what it said. And says a long sentence. But the bird copies it weirdly.
Hnng so cute Ryuubi tries to teach it to say "good morning" and "thank you" speaking gently like an onii-chan like he is.
Yokutoku finds it boring and wants to make the bird say "Princess, I love you".
Unchou interrupts and still makes it repeat long sentences.
Ryuubi takes the bird and leaves because the younger brothers confusing it.
Our moe aniki mumbles something to it in the distance about the princess to the bird but somehow trips and the bird flies. Then he notices he'd bumped into the princess and he's kinda staying on top of her. (you know, the usual pattern).
Yokutoku wonders where the bird went, and it comes back and it then says "princess, you're cute". The boys are surprised.
Big bro Ryuubi is flustered and doesn't know what to say and Yokutoku notices this is what Ryuubi was teaching it.
Unchou and Yokutoku leave in search of food and leave bro with the princess. Bro explains that he got the bird and wanted to give it to her but the parrot keeps repeating "Princess, you're cute". bro tries to stop it and the bird then says "Princess, I love you". He awkwardly says he didn't teach it that much yet and that makes the priness smile. He says she looks best smiling.
The bird copies saying "Princess, you look best when smiling, I love you."
"Thank you, I love you very much" (I'm guessing she said that?). Ryuubi says "I also love you". and the parrot says "I love you, princess. I love crayfish". lol
Track 09. Love's Whisper 愛のささめきごと Ai no Sasamekigoto
This is the whole ending song.
Ai no Sasamekigoto
Lyrics: RUCCA
Music & arrangement: Nakayama Masato 中山真斗 (Elements Garden)
Singer: Aoi Shouta 蒼井 翔太
Yeah so I intended to make some kind of review while summarizing this Drama CD but I ended up totally writing everything that's happened in it, yeah. With short comments here and there. While listening to the first track, I was acting like an idiot, especially when Hirakawa Daisuke started talking. Yeah "I" was the girl in the story and when he talked to her, I pretended looking creepily at him while he spoke gently and I rolled around in my bed alone faking a ridiculous fall when she tripped only to laugh at him being worried about "me" who was flat on the ground like an idiot lolol. It's funny to hear the boys be so sweet and see the girl as a pretty flower while you "act" your part (hey, that's actually the listener's role, right?) like a moron. Pfft. But I stopped at the second track and started storytelling, yeah. It'd have taken the same amount of time to friggin translate it probably. So this is some half serious thing that can't be called a proper summary but it's got details so if you wanna know what happens in it, check it out. You'll be readin for a while though becuz it's long. I'm starting to forget how to grammar.
I was surprised to see that I can't find anything on the web about the game or whatever it is. I wanted to know what it's about and things, but couldn't find things, at least in English. Not that I got past the first page on google, yeah.
Well, the story wasn't bad. It wasn't much of a story, it was like a bonus arc, like a filler on top of the original story so I still dunno what the real one's about but yeah, it can be funny and not boring, and yeah, Hirakawa Daisuke. Hngh.
I made something in paint to help you know the characters (actually at the beginning I was friggin confused about who's who so I had to make this):
I took the pics from the official site and if you hover over them with your mouse the guys smile (creepily or not).
I wrote the Chinese names on the paint for the ones who actually know something about the three kingdoms.
And here's a text version of the chara list and their seiyuus and things so you can copy the text:
Toutaku 董卓 (Toutaku Chuuei 董卓 仲穎) (Dong Zhuo) CV. Kusunoki Taiten 楠 大典

Toutaku 董卓 (Toutaku Chuuei 董卓 仲穎) (Dong Zhuo) CV. Kusunoki Taiten 楠 大典
Ryofu 呂布 (Ryofu
Hosen 呂布 奉先) (Lu Bu) CV. Okiayu Ryoutarou 置鮎 龍太郎

Ryuubi 劉備
(Ryuu Gentoku 劉玄徳 ) (Liu
Xuande) CV. Hirakawa Daisuke 平川 大輔

Chouhi 張飛 (Chouhi Yukutoku 張飛翼徳) (Zhang Fei) CV. Kaji Yuuki 梶 裕貴.

Unchou 関羽
(Unchou Kanu 関羽 雲長) (Guan Yu) CV. Kosugi Juurouta 小杉 十郎太

The pics can be found on the official site. (If you don't know how) To see them, drag each pic to a new tab (or click right> open image in a new tab) and to see the not smiling version delete the "_hv" in the link. for example if the link ends with ryubi_hv.jpg, you have to make it be ryubi.jpg or just ryubi.
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